Price of Sessions:
$140 for 60 minutes
$200 for 90 minutes
$140 for 60 minutes
$200 for 90 minutes
(paraphrased from Ida Rolf)
The Rolf Method of Structural Integration (S.I.), commonly referred to as “Rolfing” is a way of restructuring the body towards alignment for better organization and function. If physical structure is improved, function is improved. The goal is to create harmony for the physical body in gravity.
During the 10 Series, we work with every muscle and bone in the body. We do this through means of manually manipulating fascia, which is a tissue that is elastic, stable, and moldable, and which accounts for a considerable proportion of the body’s outward form.
When some parts are not functioning properly (ex: wrist, back, neck, ankle hip, jaw), it starts to affect the entire body…and the person as a whole begins to suffer. Although it is not the goal of the work, it tends to “fix” these maladies. By the end of the 10 Series or shortly after, it is not uncommon for a lower back that has hurt for years to miraculously be free of pain or for someone who cannot run because of a chronic ankle pain to be able to run on a regular basis again. People tend to have more energy. They feel better.
Human beings can change. One does that by changing the structure which in turn changes the function, because structure determines function to a great degree. But it does not just stop there.
Once the structure is aligned, the body can then function greater as a whole with full expansional balance. This is where the core of the work is. We make space and differentiate, so that we can lengthen and organize, all in order to integrate on a higher level and expand exponentially.
While Structural Integration is primarily concerned with physical changes in the body, it affects the whole person. We are made up of emotions, attitudes, belief systems and behavior patterns as well as the physical being. All are related. Align the physical structure and it will open up the individual’s potential. Clients often report positive changes, stating less stress, greater self-confidence and improved ability to handle life’s changes.
Elise is a licensed H.H.P. (Holistic Health Practitioner) and certified with over 1,200 hours as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration from the Rolf Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. She is also a member of A.M.T.A. (American Massage Therapy Association). Elise studied with Neal Powers (who trained directly with Ida Rolf starting in 1971 and was President of the Rolf Institute for 6 years) and Jeff Linn (who has practiced since 1986 and has taught in a number of bodywork schools, including IPSB in San Diego).
She was blessed to receive her Advanced Training (192 hours) in June of 2010 with master Emmett Hutchins, who was one of the two people trained by Ida Rolf to teach the advanced class, before he passed on.
Elise has also studied directly with Judith Aston of Aston Kinetics (Aston Techniques I and II). Judith created and led the Movement Education Program at the Rolf Institute for almost 10 years and is known as one of the great bodywork geniuses of the time, alongside Rolf and Feldenkrais. Elise is also certified in basic Theta Healing and has taken Level One in Integrated Craniosacral Biodynamics, which she feels helps integrate the structural work if the client so desires or needs.
The roots of Structural Integration originate from yoga, which Elise has been fascinated with and practiced many forms since 1998. She has a teaching certification in Ashtanga Yoga from Tim Miller, who was the first American certified to teach by Pattabhi Jois. She actively attended Bikram Yoga for about 2 or 3 years, practiced Anusara for many years, and most recently Kundalini for 7 years…and was certified to teach by Gurmukh in India in 2015.
She truly believes this method aids not only in chronic pain and injuries, but helps achieve maximum potential in athletics, and has worked with athletes such as Olympic sprinter Jaysuma Ndure, pro-surfers Jordy Smith, Rusty and Greg Long, Nathan Hedge and Paul Fisher, pro-surfer/Founder of Life Rolls on Jesse Billauer, and pro-skaters Pierre Luc Gagnon(PLG) and Chris Miller.
Elise has received many hours of the S.I. work herself, and not only did her belief in the work and amazing experience with it lead her to this career, but it also enhances her empathy and understanding of the client’s experience on the table.